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Watch your Back: Week March 11 - 17

Writer: JWJW

Let’s all pretend it’s yesterday, and I’ll tell you what soloable games will be launching on crowdfunding platforms this week. Just ignore that most are live already. Or wait. We can do even better! Just pretend you've read this post yesterday. As soon as you’ve read it, it’s in the past anyway. So you only have to push it back a bit further, mentally. Then I would have been right on time and you would have been all surprised. Deal?


Inventors of the South Tigris (1-4 players) by Shem Phillips and Sam Macdonald is, according to themselves, their heaviest game to date. In 850 AD Baghdad inventors were developing, constructing, testing, and publishing clever devices for victory points, and the game puts you in this historical setting to test your wits. For solo you will do so against a card-driven opponent.

Inventors of the South Tigris
Image source: BGG

The campaign for this game launched on Kickstarter today, Tuesday March 12. A free promo pack is included.

Personal opinion: I’ve played a few of their games multiplayer and did not really care for them. If I did though, I’d wait for retail. The series is popular enough to get localized versions.


Also live already (😬) is the coop fire-fighting game Flash Point: Legacy of Flame (1-6 players). You'll play through scenarios, unlocking special abilities for your characters and making decisions in a narrative campaign that will influence future sessions. Everything can be integrated with existing Flash Point content once you're done.

Flash Point Legacy
Image source: BGG

The campaign can be found on Kickstarter as of today, Tuesday March 12. You can add the normal base game and any or all expansions to your pledge. Also available are cardboard maps and neoprene player mats.

Personal opinion: I enjoy playing coops, with my family and solo. I own Flash Point and all expansions. I like playing legacy games. So, yeah, I am getting this, no-brainer. However, I may wait for retail. Unless I decide I need the cardboard maps.


FantasyForm (1 player) is the fantasy-themed spiritual successor to Lucas Gentry's SpaceShipped. You'll play as an Alchemist, resolving encounters and hopefully gaining shards or essences so you can buy upgrades. You'll then use these upgrades to fight a bad, evil, rival Alchemist and beat them. Easy.

FantasyForm: cards
Image source: Kickstarter page

The campaign went live on Kickstarter earlier today, Tuesday March 12. A free expansion is included in the pledge and SpaceShipped can be added.

Personal opinion: I've heard good things about SpaceShipped, I guess I'll finally get the print and play files for that game from PNP Arcade now and try it. Backing or buying Button Shy games is a bit expensive for Europeans, so I'll skip the crowdfunding campaign as usual.


Moving over to Gamefound. In post-apocalyptic coop game Under Our Sun (1-6 players) you will explore, scavenge and craft while trying to survive in one of four scenarios.

Under Our Sun: character board
Image source: BGG

Went live on Gamefound earlier today, Tuesday March 12. You can pledge for the base game, include miniatures or extra characters. Dice and neoprene mats are available as add-ons.

Personal opinion: So I left out the rather important part "semi" when I wrote "coop". But they say it is possible to play this without a traitor which makes it perfectly soloable. I do like post-apocalyptic settings and enjoy crafting stuff in games. I didn't get a fuzzy feeling about how it looks though, it leaves me a bit cold. It's probably best to check a video and see how it plays.


Third in the wonderful Solo Game of the Month series is dice roller Quests over Coffee (1 player). It has been available as a print and play game for a while, but this is a limited edition print run, shipped to backers straight from China.

Quests over Coffee: cards
Image source: Gamefound page

New for this edition are an adventure mode, deluxe tokens, and extra cards. You can find it on Gamefound as of today, Tuesday March 12.

Personal opinion: I'm cheap. $30 + VAT is a bit much. I do think I'll get the P&P edition though as it looks fun.


Gearworks, a puzzly card game mixing hand management and area control is back on Kickstarter. It's not a reprint, but rather a sale of leftover copies found in a warehouse. It does have an improved solo mode now though, and 3 new promo cards.

Image source: Kickstarter page

You can find this on Kickstarter (I can't type fast enough, projects keep popping up), from today, Tuesday March 12. Standard and deluxe versions are available, and a free playmat is thrown in with every pledge.

Personal opinion: I found I don't really like puzzle games.


And right when I am working on this post, Wroth (1-4 players) should go live. A game by Manny Trembley (of Dice Throne fame), published by Chip Theory Games. If you've backed a Dice Throne or CTG campaign before, you might think it's only for the super rich, but it's noth. What's more: Wroth is an easy to learn area control game that plays in an hour. Solo or coop you'll play against an AI.

Wroth: AI card
Image source: Gamefound page

Like I said, it launched on Gamefound today, Tuesday March 12. You can pledge for the base game or include two expansions with extra factions. To not disappoint the original CTG supporters there's also an expensive pledge, with an art book and metal prints.

Personal opinion: Just when I'd decided to get rid of all my Chip Theory Games they do this. Publish a game that may be accessable and fun. I'll grudgingly check it out.


I was going to announce Algae, Inc. and Baseball Highlights: 2045 - Bases Loaded Edition, but you know what, let's skip them. It's a bit confusing to suddenly include games that aren't live yet.


Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Mar 14, 2024

Damn it, Wix just swallowed the Comment I was writing. 😖  Okay, save as I go this time.

I like the busy and colorful look (I like Mico-Art) of Inventors of the South Tigris, but am scared of its potential complexity. 😄

Flash Point: Uncertain. I'll soon be Posting something in Loner's Lounge about that.

FantasyForm is tempting (since I like SpaceShipped), but it strikes me as a “re-skinned” (is that what ya call it?) version of SpaceShipped, so I don’t really need both.  I do like FF’s theme, though.

Quests Over Coffee looks as if it’s "right up my alley" (are Europeans (who speak English) generally familiar with that colloquialism?).

Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Mar 15, 2024
Replying to

What might be a French equivalent (with literal English translation)?

Oh, yeah, I forgot to extend a virtual high-five for being the #1 Backer (for QOC), as I think that's a bit fun.


Wouter Cordewiner
Wouter Cordewiner
Mar 13, 2024

Compared to SpaceShipped, I find FantasyForm a step back with regards to artwork. But then again, I'm a minority that thinks a sci-fi theme is cool(er).


Mar 12, 2024

I'm backer #1 for Quests over Coffee! At least I'm consistent...

I would like to say that I'm disappointed to hear that Armello is not soloable in the end, but truth is, not really. As more and more material about the game was revealed I had come to realize I didn't want it. Initially I had thought that the board game would be a spin-off adventure game set in the video game universe, but, no, it's a re-creation of sorts. Complex, fiddly, and basically competitive at its core. So, no solo mode? No problem.

As for Wroth! It's a bit tempting but still very expensive, with a gameplay All-in at 120€ (and JW finds Quests over Coffee expensive). Truth is,…

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