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#TBT Waaagh! (Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game)

Writer: JWJW

Thursday! Time to go back to prehistoric times, or rather, pre-Solitaire Times-times. Here are some session reports from 2017 and 2018 about Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game. This is the game that turned me into a solo player. I bought it for nostalgic reason as I enjoyed adventuring in the original board game a long, long time ago.


November 2017

About a year ago I got the card version and I spent many evenings figuring out the rules (those rulebooks were very confusing to me!). I had meant to play the game multiplayer, but pretty soon I found myself playing the whole campaign on my own. I’ve played it many times since then and started buying more and more soloable games.

But recently the plays were turning into a bit of a chore, so something had to change. I'd always played two-handed while everybody on BoardGameGeek kept telling me I should play four-handed. Fine. Let's try that.

First four-handed session

It was less confusing than I had thought and probably even a bit easier as the enemies are distributed over more characters. It also felt like I had more choice in which actions to take. Doesn’t mean I kept everybody alive, but I still won this first quest. Four to go.



March 2018

I had not yet played this in 2018 and felt like doing a "delve quest", the standalone scenario that's included in this game. But when I opened the box it turned out I had been playing a campaign at the end of last year. With just one quest left. Time to finish that first then.

In December I wrote:

Started my first four-handed campaign last month (after always playing two-handed), continued this in December. It has refreshed my interest in the game.

I can tell you now that I lost interest again 😄 What else did I write?

It's still hard though - I haven't gotten smarter this year. Lost quest 2 and 3 but managed a win in the fourth quest, which gives me hope for the last one in January.

Well, ha ha ha. Hope.

This last quest is called "Waaagh!" and that's a well-chosen title. I did not have something even remotely resembling a chance of winning.

Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

Over 70 minutes of getting beaten, kicked and stomped. I had survived four quests to come floundering to an unheroic death today. Did I say waaagh yet? WAAAGH!

Nope, not going to play this with four characters again. It probably makes the game a little easier as the amount of enemies does not scale but I still lost three out of five quests. I can easily do that with two characters.

Even though I did not have a really good time today, I won't part with this game. It got me interested in card based games after having thought most of my life that boardgames needed a board. A mediocre game would not have had that effect. Also, there may not be much in the box, but:

👍 The quests, enemies and nemeses are really different

👍 The characters have their own strengths, weaknesses and playstyles

Oh, and here's my favourite character. Unfortunately she did not come with the base box, so good look finding her. It's the Witch Hunter (Expansion Pack). Her actions are stronger when one of the other actions is exhausted. This adds extra layers to planning the turns as you never let her refresh everything but will want to make some actions more effective by precluding others.

Witch Hunter

Yes. Let's get her on that delve quest.

When I've forgotten today's session. 🤢

Or perhaps I should just start adventuring in the board game again.

Warhammer Quest

2 comentarios

27 abr 2024

Whoa, that's alot of cards!

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27 abr 2024
Contestando a

Four characters, each having their own four action cards and a few items, a location, enemies. Yes, that's a lot of cards 😁

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