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Su mesa es mi mesa

Writer: JWJW

Once upon a long, long time ago the 1 Player Guild was formed on Board Game Geek. Originally a place to hang out for fans of the 1 Player Podcast, it quickly became popular for anybody interested in solo games. One hundred months ago, guild manager Albert Hernandez started a list for session reports. He thought it would be a fun thing to do once a year, but The People overruled this and just kept posting. So every month since then a 1 Player Guild member volunteers to host the month's list. It's called Solitaire Games on Your Table.

This month your favourite monkey is hosting: Solitaire Games on Your Table - August 2021. I'd love you to drop by and post a session report of a game you played. Perhaps you can copy a report from the Lounge and kill two birds with one stone.

By the way, this is how my table looks at the moment. A shelf is close to collapsing...

Theme of this month is "ЯƎVISIT - Or: back to where it all began". I am curious if together we will be able to play those games that were also featured 100 months ago, in May 2013. I just own a handful of them. It would be nice to see reports on some older games.

The games that had the most reports back then, are Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game and Friday. Those I do own. As regular visitors of this website may remember, I play Friday often and everywhere.

Anyhow, like I said: please drop by!


Aug 07, 2021


I'm still unable to find Rune Age... I thought it could be with Runebound, Dungeonquest, Relic, and World of Warcraft Adventure, all from FFG, but no!

I could do Elder Sign (I have the rules in mind and I left it within reach since last time) and Space Hulk Card Game easily, but I fear there will be no shortage of candidates to fulfill these.

Aug 07, 2021
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It's just that the stuff I want to play in the foreseeable future is usually in reach. I wasn't planning to play Rune Age any time soon. So it's not usually a hindrance.


Aug 02, 2021

I'll be there again this month! The funny thing for me is SGOYT is where I started and I only learned of the 1PG and everything else from that list. My revisits will probably more back to where *I* began. So Magic Realm will be getting a post this month for sure.

From that first list of SGOYT, I've got Andean Abyss, LOTR:TCG, Mage Knight, Space Empires 4X and hopefully somewhere here, Voyage of the BSM Pandora. Embarrassingly enough, Andean Abyss is still on my Shelf of Shame (though I'll note it's the 2nd edition, it hasn't been there for 8 years!)

Aug 02, 2021
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Well, I love to read about Magic Realm 👍

It would be cool if you could find Voyage of the BSM Pandora, as it hasn't shown up anymore after the first few lists.


Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Aug 02, 2021

Hey, JW, I just "dropped by", and although I don't know most of the games on that list, I did recognize Hostage Negotiator, 'cause I backed the reimplementation of it, Final Girl. Anyway, BGG says Hostage Negotiator is from 2015. If that's true, how could it be on that 2013 list? Prototype?

Do you win much when playing Friday? It was one of my early 'Solo Only' games, and I found it difficult to emerge victorious. 🙁

P.S. I'm tryin' blue (Hex Code: 0000ff) for Links, instead of green (00ff00), as I think it's a bit more readable on the white background. 🙂

Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Aug 02, 2021
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Friday was your 1st Deck-Builder? Cool. I like Deck [and Bag] Builders. I probably like Bag-Builders more, 'cause the "shuffling" is so much easier than with cards. 😄 At the level you're playing, your Win/Loss Record is impressive. I really like your attitude of electing to discover strategies on your own.


Aug 02, 2021

I'll consider doing Rune Age, but for once I have no clue where it might be.

Usually I find the SGOYT a bit of a frightening place with so many people being there so often since so long a time. I have posted a few reports here and there (especially to fill gaps in the database), but it's too overwhelmingly active to subscribe to it and to follow anything.

I use this as a great tool to get an opinion on games though. Coupled with the GeekBuddy Analysis, it's the best way to do research!

Aug 02, 2021
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There are a lot of long-timers to be sure, but first time posters are always embraced and encouraged. There is no sense of elitism there. At least that I've ever noticed.

But it's definitely tough to keep up with via subscription. I had to turn off being notified for comments so I only get notices of new items posted and even that is tough to keep up with if you get even a day or two behind.

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