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Not-so-Freshwater Fly

Writer: JWJW
My sincere apologies to our overseas YouTubing correspondent Byron. He can't put his videos on our website himself, his mails got filtered away out of sight in Gmail's "promotions" box, and I wasn't around for a while... So you all missed out on a lot of videos. Let's catch up, shall we?

Dice rolling, set collection, some push-your-luck and lots of fish. Let us introduce you to the solo campaign of Freshwater Fly.

And while you visit Go Wild Board Games, you also might want to check the ongoing series on Veilwrath: that playlist already has playthroughs for 9 Vignettes by now.


Byron Wild
Byron Wild
May 06, 2023

Yea it's a fun game. It really captures its theme well. I might make some house rule tweaks next time I play the campaign to make the river feel more dynamic.


Apr 15, 2023

Yes! Great job, Byron! Love Freshwater Fly. 😀

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