Lazy Links: Solo Only, So Lonely, So Lonely (Sing with Me!)
The Police came knocking on our door this week, telling us that playing coops on your own or multiplayer games against a bot is just sad. What you need when you're so lonely, is solo only.

But what games are they?
The Final Countdown
Totally Tabled to the rescue. Not an hour of the day goes by without a Top-10 popping up in my newsfeeds. But one of them had perfect timing as it was about "board games that can only be played solo and not at any other player count." Of course you can play solo games with other people. I've spent many hours playing a single player video game together with a friend, discussing all actions. Why not do that with a board game. Ah yes, because we're lonely 😭 But I digress, nice list.
One Girl to Rule Them All
Though it looks like there is only one game to play. And it's about a girl. Over on BoardGameGeek Jorge P (username rilus) asked members of the 1 Player Guild what their favourite solo only games are. With the following restriction: “Not soloable games. If the game shows 1-*, that's not a solo only game.” I don’t think that a number on a box or on the BoardGameGeek page should be taken that seriously, but hey, their question, their rules. So, no Onirim, Pavlov’s House or This War of Mine here. But much overlap with the list from the video.
Most popular games in this thread were:
Final Girl (8 mentions)
Coffee Roaster / For Northwood! (7 mentions)
Under Falling Skies / Warp's Edge (6 mentions)
Friday / Hoplomachus: Victorum / Maquis (5 mentions)
Lots of other games 😁
I have never tried Final Girl as I didn't enjoy the mechanisms of Hostage Negotiator (both games with great themes though). Here's my own top-5:
Though it’s been a long time since I’ve played one of the last two, perhaps I should give the new kids a break, and put a game like Under Falling Skies in.
There's Still Hope for the MCU
Not board-game related, but I spilled my coffee watching the new trailer for Deadpool & Wolverine.
I bought Navajo Wars but it was too hard for me to grasp so I sold it. Now that I'm semi retired and have played many more games since then I've considered reobtaining it. Of course the follow up Comancheria was made. Have you played both and if so how would you compare the difficulty of the two?
Final girl was fun, but I’ve only ever played one game. I ordered the next printing of Commancharia so I can’t wait for that one!! Falling Sky was such a well put together game… but for some reason thats it for me… maybe I got 1-2 playthroughs and may get rid of it.
Argh... I love Wolverine. I can't stand Deadpool. Not sure I'll go see this movie. I think the Multiverse killed the MCU anyway (except for the excellent Spider-Man animated movie).
Top 5 solo-only games:
1 - Puzzle Dungeon 2 - Karen and the Pirate Island
3 - Proving Grounds
4 - Siege of Valeria
5 - Garden of Minions