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Lazy Links: Best Clickbait of All Time!

Writer: Lazy AuthorLazy Author

Another week over, it's time for some lazy links.

Best List of All Time!

Just like Jarrod Carmichael I started my solo gaming as a kid, playing Patience. And it's interesting what he says about how it used to be completely normal to play a board (or card) game on your own, right up until video games got popular. And then it got frowned upon. At least covid lockdowns made publishers realise there was good money to be made in solo variants, but of course there are still people that think solo play is weird. While there are all kinds of reasons to enjoy it, the main one being #10 in this list.

Something else in this video I could relate to, was the importance of solitaire gaming during periods of illness. His game of choice was Arkham Horror 2nd Edition, mine was Eldritch Horror (as I've told before). Anyway, do follow his YouTube channel if you don't already. His 3 minute reviews are amazing as they stay just within my attention span 😁

In other news, his game Red Dust Rebellion is now completely finished and off to the printer. I've ordered it through GMT's P500 program and when it arrives it will be the heaviest game I ever owned. Looks utterly fantastic though.

Best Top 10 of All Time!

The first dungeon crawler I played was Warhammer Quest. I still own it and it's still great. So good in fact it made the Top 10 Dungeon Crawls of All Time by the only authority on this subject, YouTube channel The Dungeon Dive.

It was nice to see Machina Arcana on the list as well, and some others that I enjoy. And there were a few I'd never heard of, so all in all an interesting list.

Best Solitaire Game of All Time!

Well, of 2023. Members of the 1 Player Guild on BoardGameGeek are voting right now. As are members of the larger population of BGG. You can join them or just wait for the results. We may do exactly that, as we're lazy.

2 commentaires

21 avr. 2024

My tastes must be different from the Dungeon Dive. I tried and sold away a few games in his Top 10... But I enjoy his channel, he reviews all the dungeon crawler games, and he's not overly enthusiastic. Even when I disagree, his views are well grounded and I can know better whether the game will be a match to my own tastes or not. That's exactly what I expect from a reviewer - not someone who likes the same things as I do, but someone who provides enlightening pros and cons about games.


21 avr. 2024

About solo being frown upon:

I just had a clash two days ago with people on BGG (people that I used to esteem otherwise) because they were annoyed that some users were creating threads to ask for solo modes about all games, which they deemed was a problem.

When asking a question to know if a game fits your own gaming preferences becomes an issue for people who just can't accept these preferences as a legitimate gaming inclination...

I'll never get it. Who does it hurt that people like to play solo?

I had the wonderful reply: "You have the right to ask the question whether a game plays solo, and we have the right to be annoyed about it."…

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