Planet Apocalypse is live (Hell is a place on earth)
Update: Planet Apocalypse and two new expansions are live on Kickstarter, and the campaign will run for 14 days. You may pledge for one or both the expansions if you already have Planet Apocalypse, or order the second printing of the game if you don't. You may also go all-in and get everything. The RPG sourcebook is available to order as well.
Our preview post below was published on September 17.
Petersen Games returns to Kickstarter on September 21 with a reprint of the 1-5 player cooperative adventure game Planet Apocalypse, 2 new expansions, and a sourcebook for a 5e DnD campaign.

Planet Apocalypse takes place in a post-apocalyptic world in which demons have escaped from Hell. You are playing as heroes with special abilities and weaknesses who are trying to fend off the onslaught of evil. To do so, you will be recruiting troops and rolling dice, the strength of which increases as you level up. When demons reach your city, the doom track advances, and if you fail to defeat the demon Lord, the game is lost.
Planet Apocalypse comes with a variety of wonderfully repulsive miniatures, and the upcoming expansions -Nightmare Pack and Pack of the Crypt- will offer new demon minis, new heroes and new maps. If you back in the first 48 hours, you will get the Petersen Games signature mantis monster mini for free.
You may check the Kickstarter preview.