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Greatest Hits 2020

Writer: JWJW

At Solitaire Times we know what we like, and we do as we like. But one day every year, we listen to you. What do you like, dear reader? We use Google Analytics, the Wix counter, a spreadsheet and some magic to check which posts were the most popular in 2020. What were our greatest hits? Here are the results. Except for the ones we didn't like.

We wrote some 300 Kickstarter news posts this year and 50 retail news posts. We published almost 80 session reports in Table Presence, of which 34 were for Print and Play games. Then we had a little over 20 grumpy posts and another 20 posts with editorials or games we chose as our monthly selection etc. Over 450 posts all in all, we've been busy little bees.


But overviews are very much appreciated as well, like the recent 47 games launching on Kickstarter in 2021. And everybody likes it when we are slightly critical of big campaigns (Trudvang Legends).

Session Reports

It will come as no surprise: Spirit Island is the winner here. Followed by Bomber Boys, which may sound strange, until you realise it was designed by the guy from Sprawlopolis. The more unusual suspects that were among this years winners: Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein, Star Trek: The Dice Game and a preview version for the expanded Mini Rogue.

Home Alone

When the lockdown started, we had a themed series of six posts with things to do while stuck at home. Almost all made it to the best-read list of 2020.

Grumpy Gamer

Just like last year, our "Grumpy Gamer"-posts have a large fanbase, and get a lot of views. This year's top of the crop:

Greatest Posts of All Time, Anywhere

And now... the moment you've all been waiting for: the best read posts of 2020 by YOU, our dear audience. THIS is what you like. THIS is who you are. THIS is why you keep coming back to us, always wanting more.

Honourable mentions:

[5] Bloat

Some games just have too much content

An entry for the People's Choice Top Solo Games

How playing solo board games helped coping with depression

A modern gamer's pride and prejudice

Board game illustrations and themes as art

What can we say? You have good taste in reading. You are our kind of people. Well done, everyone.

And thank you for visiting us this year. 😉


Dec 22, 2020

Yes, he was from here. We had some great painters in the Netherlands.


Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Dec 22, 2020

Bottom right - Garden of Earthly Delights. Oh, wait, that was yesterday... JW, perhaps you're a descendant of Bosch. Wasn't he from the Netherlands? Some of those Medieval dudes were pretty twisted (of course, there are plenty of twisted modern folks, including 'yours truly').

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