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Empty Box Syndrome

Writer: JWJW

You know the type. They never throw anything away. "It may come in handy one day!" "But it is pretty!" "Of course there's still room in the attic."

My shelf space is limited. So I tend to put expansions in with the base box. What to do with the empty boxes though? I can't let go. But after a few years I must admit: no, there is no more room in the attic. Or anywhere else. And yes, I promised to empty that cupboard a few months ago.

So, ehm.

I used to think: maybe I'll sell or trade one day. Then I'll be glad I still have the box. But if I'm being honest, most of the time I just say "You'll find everything in the base box", and I get no complaints.

Some of the boxes have really nice artwork. Or there are good memories associated with them. But, I don't really see that when they are put away in a dusty attic, do I?

And let's not kid myself. There was absolutely no reason to keep all inserts I had to take out of base game boxes to make room for the extra components.

And the cardboard part of a blister pack? Really?

Oh man. I know they've got to go. But it's so hard to say goodbye. I arranged them one last time for a picture.

I will never, ever forget them.

Oh well. Off to the recycling centre with y'all.


We've already said goodbye Since you gotta go, oh you'd better Go now, go now, go now Before you see me cry

I don't want to see you go but darlin', you better go now!


Mar 22, 2021

This is traumatizing. All those boxes . . . I need to go hug all my empty expansions.


Mar 22, 2021

Flash Point <i>and</i> Extreme Danger? But where's the game going to live now? (Mine takes up both boxes…)

Mar 24, 2021
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Yes, it's Broken Token. And the extra boards are from Urban Structures, Second Story, Extreme Danger, Dangerous Waters and Honor & Duty. Frankly, those are too many boards 😄 The best expansion is just some cards: Tragic Events.


Mar 22, 2021

I would laugh at your predicament until I look to my right and see two big empty Millenium Blades boxes and an empty Battlecon Devastation of Indines box. Hey, at least I got rid of my original Anachrony box!

Mar 22, 2021
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Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Mar 21, 2021

No, wait, JW! How 'bout using the top portion of the box covers (not the sides) to glue all over your wall to make the most fantastic looking wall of game art ever? 🙂 If not that, a few might be suitable for framing. 🙂 But if not, thanks for being a recycler. Will the 'final goodbye' bring tears to your eyes?

Mar 22, 2021
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I've actually done that (framing) with some vinyl records in our previous house. Then we moved to a bigger house. Which somehow meant there is no more empty wall available. The more space I've got, the less I seem to throw out.


Mar 21, 2021

The question is: did you make it all the way to the recycling center? Or turn around at the last minute?

Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Mar 24, 2021
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Well, I've been gettin' a lot of "crank calls" since you found-out my phone number. 😉

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