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Watch your Back: Week May 13 - 19

Writer: JWJW

I’ve got five campaigns for you today, three of which are for new editions of existing games and one is a relaunch (with the solo mode uncertain, because it’s a stretch goal). The last one is kind of new, but presented as a smaller variant of a postponed game. So it's kind of a relaunch as well.

Here is just some very basic information as found on BoardGameGeek. Let's see which ones we can cover in more detail later this week.



Hannibal: map
Image source: Gamefound

Hannibal & Hamilcar (both are 2 player games) – There’s a (new) solo mode for Hannibal, an asymmetrical card-driven wargame.

Hunted: cover
Image source: BGG

Hunted: Mining Colony 415, Second Edition (1-2 players), fast-playing push-your luck game. Upgrade pack available. Now with non-dexterity option for resolving combat and tests.

Athena wrote a post about the first edition: In space no one can hear you fling.

The Thinning Veil
Image source: Gamefound

The Thinning Veil: Cormac Mac Airt on the Other Side of Midnight (1 player), plus expansions.

This game is set in the world of The Thinning Veil (postponed to 2025), a horror fantasy coop inspired by Celtic mythology and Irish legend.

Coming to Gamefound.

Feudum: socks
Image source: Gamefound

Feudum, Septennial Edition (1-5 players). Upgrade pack available.

A medieval economic hand and resource management game. Feudum: The Queen's Army expansion is needed for solo. Feudum socks are optional.

Coming to Gamefound.



The 7 Seas
Image source: BGG

The 7 Seas (1-5 players), relaunch.

Adventure game, navigate the seven seas for fame and fortune. Solo with the Ancient Legends automa (stretch goal).

Will be on Gamefound.


Personal opinion

I'd like to stop backing games for a while. This looks like a perfect week to start. 👍

(I've got Athena's old PnP copy of Hunted: Mining Colony 415, or I might be tempted, but I'm safe.)

1 Comment

May 14, 2024

New games never end to sprout all over the place!

There is this one on KS called Everbloom. The four pictures summarizing the gameplay strike me at the stereotype of a needlessly convoluted Euro game that tries really hard to sell you a theme that doesn't make any sense and that only contributes to obscure the mechanics.

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