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2023 Sidequest: Let’s Get Digital

Writer: JWJW

As most of you know, my brain doesn’t always work as intended. 2023 was another year where I struggled with depression and that made it hard to focus on rulebooks or even get a game I already know set up on the table. So I spent a lot of time online, hanging on the couch.

BGA profile

I’ve always played some app-versions of boardgames solo: Friday, Terraforming Mars, Elder Sign, Aeon’s End, Race for the Galaxy, One Deck Dungeon, well, lots actually. But this year I’ve started playing on Board Game Arena, adding digital multiplayer games to my routine. You can also play solo on BGA, I’ve played my favourite fillers Jump Drive and Ark Nova both hundreds of times that way. But the main attraction is turn-based multiplayer: just make your moves whenever you're online. No need to hang around for long, just check in a few times a day. I’ve played over 1,000 games that way this year, some 40 different ones.

Played games on BGA
The games I played on BGA this year

There’s something for everyone on BGA, from Can’t Stop to Anachrony, from Yahtzee to Earth. Right now I’m also playing the alpha versions of Terraforming Mars and Maracaibo, two of my favourite games.

Even though I am grateful I still got to play so many board games this way, I really hope to get playing the old fashioned way again in 2024. Those online plays are always just a way to distract myself, I don't get immersed as much as when I sit at my table. So let's get back to reality.


Jan 01, 2024

I feel the same way, I played too much a-synch games on BGA. In fact, I'm in a game of Obsession with you right now (about to end)! I'm combating this by exporting my stats to my stats app, that way I can see how much I'm playing on BGA. My goal is to have more than 60% of my games played be at locations other than BGA. Happy new year!

Jan 01, 2024
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Congratulations on your win!

I'll check which percentage of my plays have been online and what kind of "offline goal" could work for me. Good idea.


Dec 29, 2023

I play a lot of Shards of Infinity on my phone. Lately, I picked up Through the Ages digital and have been playing it roughly once a day. i also picked up Dune Imperium on my computer but only get around to it once in a while.


Wouter Cordewiner
Wouter Cordewiner
Dec 29, 2023

@JW / @Cadet Stimpy I wish you all the best for 2024 and hope you get to a place that feels more comfortable.


Cadet Stimpy
Cadet Stimpy
Dec 27, 2023

Well, I hope you get back to "reality", JW - I need to get back there myself. There were a lot of large 'setbacks' for me this year, but I'm not yet incarcerated or living under a bridge in a large, cardboard box, so I can't squawk too much. 🙂

Which game did you rack-up the most [digital] plays with? Any new pinnacles of achievement (high scores)?

Dec 29, 2023
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Sorry to hear, Stimpy. Best of wishes to you.

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