100th Pocket Landship
Two years ago when I started playing solo games seriously, I printed out some small PnP games to try out. One of them was Pocket Landship. I just used a low ink setting on cheap paper. I've played the game 100 times now. Best 5 cents I ever spent.

Pocket Landship is a small thematic dice game, set in a World War 1-like world. It has a nice combination of luck and tactics. You try to save your landship (tank) while an enemy attacks relentlessly. Landships, infantry and artillery keep coming at you. You'll have to manoeuvre mine fields and survive ambushes. It will take some twelve minutes to win or maybe just three to lose. You'll lose most of the time. Then go again.
Cards are double sided so both the layout of your landship and the enemy troops can be varied during set up. The recent Kickstarter campaign added even more cards, plus a two-player coop variant (that's perfectly solo-able). And a big wooden box, for those of us that have big pockets. And a neoprene playmat, as who would play without one. The theme has been changed to an even more alternate history, where your diesel powered Landship fights hordes of steam powered mechs.
Late pledges end this week. Then in November, I can start a new series. With the much better cards of the official version. And see how long it takes me to get to 100 yet again.

The Pocket Landship expansion, No Man's Land, is in the works again, and the KS prelaunch link is available.
Cool! Pretty soon I will be in the Driver's seat then.
Plus I can send out the extra copy I ordered in time as a gift for Christmas.
(Land)shipping starts next week.
I am also waiting for D-Day Dice. I may actually get this one sooner... This is an easy game to produce and I am pretty sure they'll manage.
The PnP version will stay free, it's just that most people that are not me might like some extra cards for variety. The KS version is well thought out.
Congrats on your 100th play. Personally I think my most played game is in the 25/35 range, so still a long way to go to 100.
I passed on the Pocket Landship KS due to the publisher. I'm already in for D-Day Dice and let's just say they could have handled stuff better.
But I might give it another look 🤔