Picture from BGG
The Siege of Runedar, by the great and magnificent Reiner Knizia! I was bound to get it pretty soon, and as I told you somewhere across some obscure comment, for sure I got it! With the additional Mercenaries cards that apparently improves the solo play a lot, adding more variation from one game to the next.
But I wasn't prepared to receive an enormous, enormous box. This isn't Ticket to Ride. This is a giant square that doesn't fit anywhere. I've never seen this format. People have complained it doesn't fit a Kallax hole. This is so weird. Why publishers are so mean with their poor customers?
Okay, now you might have seen these glaring pictures of the inner castle that rebuked Athena so much.
Picture from BGG
Well, I'm not particularly fond of it, but OK. I was excited. I wanted to try the game ASAP. I opened it feverishly. Unfortunately I didn't have any means to take pictures so you won't see anything but... this picture, above, is a lie.
It doesn't come pre-assembled. It comes with a double-sided adhesive paper scroll, and you have to stick all these cardboard pieces yourself. Hey! But I don't even do PnPs!!!
I was so disgusted and discouraged I didn't re-open it. Ten days later, I packed it away. I'll play it in another time, another land then. You'll get my Table Presence post eventually, but you'll sure hear about this horrendous crafting again as I struggle through it.
Damned, damned publisher.
Z, when checking-out this game on BGG, I saw this in the upper-right corner 🙂:
Image Source: BGG
You should buy Descent: Legends of the Dark! Pay at least three times as much, and still have to assemble all terrain and stuff yourself. 😉
Seriously, you packed it away because the cardboard isn't already attached to the plastic pre-assembled insert? I can only say you're missing out on a nice coop game (solo and multiplayer). I've enjoyed my 3 solo plays until now.
I agree the box is a bulky format and that the extra cards help.