You may remember that my first KS arrival of the year (or, from a certain point of view, the very last of 2022) was waiting for me uphill. Well, it's still waiting for the moment. But I have been able to dismiss one of the many suspects:
(One Deck Dungeon is there for scale.)
But even more intriguing: I have received a bpost* notice asking me 27€ of customs fees, so another package (just as mysterious as the one waiting for me on top of the hill) is lurking around the corner. Based on the amount of the fees, and a recent shipment notification, this is likely Nut Hunt, a game that I was very glad to back for the low amount of 35$ (less so to realize that I needed to add 21$ shipping, + 21% VAT on the total, + the 15€ administration fees from bpost because it wasn't friendly shipping to begin with... these squirrel meeples will sure come at a premium).
Since Dark Venture - Battle of the Ancients and Nut Hunt were my two best guesses, I am now really clueless.
*(the Belgian post office)
I hadn't known it would be but Battle of the Ancients just got available on Philibert...
It would cost 150€ to get everything, and I paid 130€ (roughly) with VAT an shipping for the All-In, so, I feel quite satisfied: not only did I help the publisher, but I also got a good deal for it!
Ha ha! Some progress!
When I paid the customs fees, there was a photo of the package and it was Bug Council of Backyardia (and I was displeased to see that the "Kosten voor douaneformaliteiten", i.e. the 'racket fee', has increased from 15€ to 17,50€ in 2023; happy new year!).
I was considering getting maybe Deckula from the Game Crafter thanks to the sales but this reminds me that non-friendly shipping is... well... unfriendly indeed.
Anyway, the package on top of the hill has to be Nut Hunt then (with no customs fees! yeah!). Weird thing, I received the shipping notification after the game got here, but, hey, this kind of thing tends to happen.