I purchased both of these from a seller on GeekMarket. He actually mentioned it to me that he had Majesty for the Realm on GM for only $20 + Free shipping. Him and his wife didn't really get into it, so it was essentially brand new! He also mentioned on a GeekList I posted that he was considering selling Sagrada for similar reasons. I offered to buy both and we made a great deal! :)
I found a simple and fun solo variant for Majesty for the Realm on BGG. I won by only a few VP. I love close games! I actually played that variant first before playing against my youngest daughter and sister-in-law in a regular game.
I also tried the built-in solo variant that comes in Sagrada for my first play. I enjoyed it as well, although I got absolutely crushed! LOL Which taught me WHERE you need to get your VP from in the end game scoring. LOL
Both games are light in complexity so they're simple to explain and pick up for non-gamers, but have enough strategy to satisfy my enjoyment as well. The artwork and bold colours in both games are definitely something I enjoy too! :)