Well, here's my "buying resistance" in action (I just Backed it). Doh! I admit I'm weak.
Image Source: BGG
Check-out this Card Generator! You can design cards for the game and print 'em out. Just fartin' around to see how it worked, I made this one:
Image Source: Clash of Decks Card Generator
This game is definitely worth it. I mean, they truly offer a real deal here - you get plenty of cards for a very decent price.
I almost feel bad that I didn't back it (or rather I backed it on the moment, and cancelled my pledge afterwards). I tried playing the "starter deck" two times, and thought it was utterly uninteresting to me.
It doesn't help that there are no rules in the starter deck, they are only found online and interspersed with plenty of useless videos. But if you are on the move, find a little window of time to play, and realize there is this one point of rule you are unsure of, sometimes it's just infuriating (I don't have a smartphone so no widespread Wi-Fi access).