A familiar scene: you're sitting in your place, suddenly the bell rings - it's surprise delivery time.
Ooops, it's huge. And what do we have in there?
Ah ah! My all-in pledge for Zerywia! I guess now I can back the new campaign with a clear conscience, or do I have to play through all that content first?
Well, I've just been relieved of the moral duty to play Euthia before the end of the expansion campaign, so now Zerywia is getting top priority for a place on the table.
Z, so you just received the pre-Reprint Campaign one from 2+ years ago? It looks quite massive. Where are you keeping all your games, now? I think you surprised some of us with that spooky-ass, Nazi prison/dungeon you had in Paris. 😄
Please play it and advise us about backing. Thanks. 👍🏻