I haven't been able to get much to the table lately. Which makes me sad...
But after my morning clients and a damp and wet trail run in the woods after lunch, I sat down with Raiders of the North Sea (base game only) to pillage and plunder!
I was feeling pretty good the entire game, and staying close to the A.I. on the scoring track. I have (still) never beat the A.I. with the base game only. As the offerings ran out at the long house, the game ended and I was anxious to tally the final scores to see if I had finally done it!
The game ended at 71-71.... 😲 SO CLOSE!!!! But now what!!? I've never been in this situation before. 😅🤓
The tie breaker in ROTNS is as follows:
-Highest up the Valkyrie track
-If still tied, highest up the Armour track
Unfortunately, the A.I. was ahead of me on the Valkyrie track...
I lost. 🤔 However, not without honour. Off to Vallhalla!!! 🤣
An honorable finish, indeed. Too bad ya got stiffed by the Tie Breaker Rule. I woulda been tempted to immediately invoke the House Rule of: Lowest on the Valkyrie Track wins! 😄