To follow up from my post the other day, after tallying a massive number of votes as to how to break the tie in the series, I decided to use a D6 die to sort out the game 3 factions.
The deciding roll was as follows:
Roll a 1-3 = I play as the Marquise de Cat
Roll a 4-6 = I play as the Woodland Alliance.
The result (using my Batman die).... 4.
I kind of thought to myself, "Oh sure. Now the ST gang is going to think I didn't even really roll since the faction is the one I won game #1 with..." 🙄
Well... I lost game 3 and the series. Badly. 30-16. 🤔
I started off just fine, like the previous two games. The Mechanical Marquise were just getting cards that truly favoured them and definitely didn't favour me! And that just kept happening the entire game!!! 😯
I felt pretty good about many of my decisions in the game, but I just couldn't catch up with some of their draws. I was cornered for a while, but then really started spreading out better. However, it was too little too late.
A fun series none-the-less. The woodland is a little quieter tonight though, since the Mechanical Marquise drove me away. 😏
Did you really roll a 4? 😄 Despite your recent defeat, I doubt the woodland critters of Root have seen the last of you!