A couple days ago I brought Tapestry to the table as I continue to play through all factions once. I now have just 4 factions left of the 16 total to play with, which I'm hoping by that time Stonemaier Games will have their updated / re-balanced factions available to purchase.
I randomly chose "The Futurists" faction for this game. I'm not one to whine or complain about "unbalanced" games, factions etc. In fact, those conversations on BGG annoy me and I avoid them as much as I avoid strategy posts/conversations. That said, this is the first time in any game in my collection where it was very evident that a faction is unbalanced (not that I complained in the end of this one 🤣).
In Tapestry, the Futurists faction STARTS with ALL tracks advanced 4 spaces. You don't gain any bonuses mind you, BUT you're immediately starting with stronger (granted more expensive) advancements. As you can see in the pic above, I was on a role most of this game, with my Futurists actually going into space TWICE towards the end of the game.
I also gained "The Leaders" faction as a second faction in the final era of this game, which gave a nice little boost (if I remember right, I gained this from one of the later spaces on an advancement track).
All game I felt very much in control and for probably the first time of any of my Tapestry plays, I felt like the Automa was not pressuring me. Just look at my city map!! 6-landmarks and several buildings were placed! That's not normal for me. 🤣
Now that said, as much as I say the Futurists did actually seem unbalanced to me, I only beat the Automa by 12 VPs, so it wasn't a total blowout by any means.
I love Tapestry as it is, honestly. I will invest in the updated factions when they come out simply because I want to eventually have all things Tapestry (expansions, updates etc). However, I'm more than happy as it is. Not to mention, out of my now 12 plays, this was only my 3rd win. It challenges me and I like that - so no complaints. 😉
I still have to try this game. So glad you like it!