Earlier this week I had my first experience saving my game, while playing This War of Mine. Not quite by choice, as I felt I was doing alright. Granted, 2/3 of my characters had perished so far - I knew what I had to do.
However, time was not on my side. My wife and I were planning to sit down to watch our show (which isn't easy to find time lately) around 7pm. I just was about to move into chapter 2 of my struggle and only had 10min left before 7pm. Time to save my game for the first time since purchasing it.
This War of Mine comes with "Save Sheets" so you can log exactly what you had in storage, what cards in your shelter were wear etc... Very cool. Might I add, the other cool part is I was surviving long enough to actually considering saving!! 🤣 That's a win in itself, in my books. 😁
Yesterday I got to the table to finish up my game. Would it be much longer before my character perished? Could he survive on his own for much longer??? 🤔
Pavle was my one remaining character, shown here (above) as I dove back into my saved game. I know what you're thinking; "Oh sure, he would pick the soccer player". 🤣 I swear, I shuffled and randomly chose Pavle. As you can see, he's getting hungry, he's surprisingly only slightly miserable (considering two fellow survivors have now passed), but he's also becoming a bit sick.
With two actions available to Pavle, I needed him to check the front door and hope that someone would be coming whom I could take in to join him. Thankfully that was the case! And although they did manage to last longer than I thought, we still didn't make it further than day 5 with my last character passing away from illness. 😥
Here's a shot (above) of the save sheets that come with the game. So clever. So simple to reset and get going again, especially with the "save bag" (just a bigger ziploc bag to put your storage tokens etc that you need to resume the game in).
I know for a fact (although tough like Frostpunk), this game will absolutely be accompanied by all expansions in the near future on my shelves. 😋
Pavle was random, huh? 🤔/🙂 Are you liking this game as much as Scythe?