Both time and brain-power are not on my side between now and the end of July (for uncontrollable reasons). Unfortunately that means I only have the opportunity and energy to get some smaller games to the table for now, while also taking advantage of digital versions, to keep my desire to play certain heavier games satisfied.
It's been tough because my campaigns are stagnent for the time being in Rise of Fenris and Gloomhaven. We have so much to deal with at the moment that I don't have the brain power to setup and play my bigger, favourite games at the table.
HOWEVER, it's been fun getting some of my lighter/smaller games off the shelf for some table time lately. I really enjoy my entire collection, but some games get overlooked in favour of my heavier games quite often.
Yesterday I brought Majesty for the Realm to the table for the first time in quite a while. Once again, as I got setup and started into a solo game I got that feeling of, "This is really great!". I was reminded how much I enjoy the solo variant as well. I really think Z-Man games should make this variant an "official solo variant" for this game. It's simple and enjoyable.