Since Town 66, in today's loot, was soloable and playable within 10 minutes, I got to try it. Setting up the game is easy (it's made of 36 tiles and that's it): arrange the tiles into three piles of equal size, and draw your first tile.

Each turn you draw a tile from one of the piles and place it, adjacent to an existing tile, within the imaginary 6x6 square of which the first tile is the upper-left corner. It must be different in both shape and color from all tiles in its column and row. And so on and so on.

If you can't place a tile, you can place it by flipping it over (it will keep its color though) or flip an existing tile (which will also keep its color). You've got two such free "jokers". After that, if you can't place a tile, well, it's game over. Like this:

That's a pretty fun game - exactly what I expected from it, in such a lovely tiny package!
It gives me a clear A Gentle Rain vibe due to its minimalism, component-wise and rules-wise (and both games are about placing colorful tiles one next to the other). However, A Gentle Rain is a game you often win, while Town 66 is a game where you nearly always 'lose', but get a score (how many tiles you place; I got 22, then 18), so there is a bit more "pressure". I do appreciate, though, that you can play instinctively and leisurely, or put some more thought into it if you are in the right mood.
12 plays in by now. My best score so far is 25 (36 is the max) and it seems honestly super difficult to go beyond. Twelve plays is not a big achievement - it takes me more time to arrange the tiles in three clean stacks than to play the game sometimes!
I like it, but sometimes it's a bit frustrating because you get screwed early on just because of the luck of the draw (or rather, the lack of it).