Tonight I played a couple games of Scythe before dinner. Games #18 & 19 on my "Scythe Bingo Campaign" to be exact. In total now, this brings me 87 plays with my physical game, and 37 plays with the digital version (when I don't have time or access to the table).
After 124 plays to date, you'd think this would've happened sooner but... In the second game this afternoon I TIED the Automa.
Here's where the curveball comes in; I'm not sure if I won... LOL
I jumped into the rulebook as I typically still do from time to time as I play, when new scenarios arise and in the end, I'm still only 51% sure I won. I searched through the BGG forums but couldn't find the topic (I don't care for the forum search engine to be honest), so I started a thread to get some help on this one.
My confusion comes from the fact that the only thing mentioned that is NOT a tie-breaker with the Automa is resources (since they don't collect them). Makes sense. However, in the first tie breaker, after it mentions workers and mechs (which were both tied) it mentions number of structures. Well the Automa doesn't build those either, so??? That's where my 51% came from, since I had 4 structures built.
BUT, if I'm wrong and it isn't a valid tie-breaker after all, the next tie-breaker is "Power", in which case they take the victory. Boo!
This isn't a detrimental place on my "Scythe Bingo Campaign Card", but it will definitely add another potential win row if I do win this... Stay tuned! :)
Update: After a massive debate (1-reply), the consensus is as I hoped - I won! Since it doesn't explicitly state otherwise in the rule book.
I actually messaged the gentleman who created the Scythe Bingo Campaign Variant, as he's a big Scythe fan like myself. He said the same thing. Woo Hoo!!! Victory is mine!
Wow, a tie must be a rare thing to happen. It's almost a win, well done!