Yep. That's right - I think I'm finding my "Modular Mojo" already! Here's yesterday's game setup:
Randomly drawn factions (Nords for me, and Saxony for the Automa), played with only 2-modular board tiles. Tight map! Not gonna lie, I was nervous. 😯
Here's the look of the map at the end of the game...
Hard to believe, but there were ZERO battles in this game! 🤔 I could be wrong, but I don't remember too many games where that happened. Especially on a map this tight! I simply got very lucky with the Automa card draws without question. As you can tell, there would've been multiple opportunities for the Saxony forces to move in.
In the end, the game was a tie 78-78!!! Much better than my 2-tile pummelling the first game I played using the modular board. 🤣 However I lost on the tie-breaker, as the Automa had plenty of power in stock.