It was time for Shadowrift tonight. I've now played through all the Monster factions a couple times each, and so it was time to use the randomizer cards. 😮
I drew the Demons ("wonderful"). As tough as it was to know that was the faction I was about to face to defend the town, I felt pretty good with my market draw. Some good looking stuff here!
Guess what? It didn't help! 😯
I blame "The Cultists". These four travelers are added to your traveler deck when you play against the Demons, instead of the usual four suspects that you really don't care to see come to town.
The Cultists unfortunately have this "thing" where whenever you reveal one, the monsters gain a power. Crap.
Inevitably, with these problem travelers in town, you're going to have monster issues. It's a given. Here (left) you can see, that there were 5-Demons in play at one point. I had already killed off two by this time. The Cultists were really being a pain. Not to mention, many demons have powers that come into play when there's a Cultist hanging out in the village streets. 😫
In the end, Mar'Zosa (the "grumpy demon" I like to refer to her as) acted a third time and took me out by annilating and rampaging. Holy anger issues!! I'm not sure why she even bothered to rampage. When a monster uses "Annihilation", your village is done for. 🤔 Not to mention, if a Cultist is in the streets/in play, you can't damage Mar'Zosa. The nerve!!! I wasn't even able to touch her! What's she so mad about!!?? I didn't ask her to come through the Shadowrifts!!
It was a tough go tonight.
I did enjoy not knowing what monster faction was coming through the Shadowrifts and randomizing my market. I knew the Demons came through a couple Shadowrifts tonight... but I sure couldn't find any to seal up that's for sure!!!
I really would like to get this game. I guess I can wait until the inevitable reprint. Derek, do you normally play this true solo or two-handed?
Yeah, gettin' annihilated does sound rough. 😬 On the plus side, you can't do much worse on your next game. 🙂