Last night was time for the Wind Gambit expansion, airship module and the extended board. Here's my setup against two Automa...
I drew Albion 😳 and drew Rusviet and Crimea for the Automa opponents. Albion is still not my best faction by any means. Add the Airships that I'm still learning to play with, and that creates a recipe for a tough game.
The factions were all staring upon the horizon, ready to do what was necessary to boost their faction's power and control.
I was actually happy with my passive airship draw, which was the CRAFT ability. This allows airships to move 2-spaces in a move action, and build structures and deploy mechs just like a worker can do. Awesome!
As I said though, I really haven't played much with the airships and two Automa were a bit much to be able to really focus on learning the automa airship adjustments/rules, and sort out the added options the airships and their abilities bring to the game. The game was very tight as well as it moved on. It was either fight for territory or take what I could get. Both Automa factions moved in fast (as usual) and the map was very tight, making choices pretty tough at times.
So in the end, I didn't fair well at all. HOWEVER, I had a fun night at the table as usual. 😎