I promised myself before continuing my Rise of Fenris campaign, I would get back into Scythe with a few games, at the "Automa (-)" level, against a couple Automa. That will (hopefully) allow some refreshing of my brain to make smart choices in episode 4 coming up in my campaign.
I did as I did last game to choose my faction, player mat and automa opponents; A nice shuffle of the mats and choose. 😁However this game, I decided to add in the Invaders from Afar factions into the shuffle.
I ended up picking Albion (Connor & Max). Last game I picked the Nords which I mentioned are probably one of my weaker factions to play. Well, so is Albion. 😂 Having said that, what a great way to really test the good decisions in my game, right?
The bad guys (aka the Automa(-) opponents) ended up being the Rusviet and Saxony factions.
Bring 'em on!!!
I'm going to toot my own horn again, because sometimes I simply impress myself with my decisions of setup (as basic as it may seem).... Just let me have this ok?? It took well over a hundred plays at the table to figure it out. But hey, it's not HOW LONG it took me to get it, it's THAT I got it... right??? 🤣
This setup is so nice, I really don't know why I didn't do it before!!! My faction mat, player mat and other items below the main board. Meanwhile, the Automa factions are neatly off to the side of the board and organized in their own areas. So simple... and yet, I only recently figured it out.
As usual my play with Albion was "slow". I really need to take better advantage of Albion's rally ability. Once unlocked/purchased, Albion's mechs and character can "rally" to any territory with an Albion flag OR a worker. 🤔 Spreading out quickly and utilizing that (in my opinion) would be smart. Yet every time I use them, I tend to get caught up in doing other things first. 🙄
In the end, it was actually closer than I expected. It was also a lower scoring game. Saxony took the win with 68 points. I came second with a measley 60 points and the Rusviets were just on my tail with 58.
Not my best performance.
Having said that, some really nice choices throughout which hopefully will transfer over nicely into my campaign next time I get Scythe to the table. 😊
You did good, regardless of the loss. Give those Automa a run for their money before they beat you down! You also take nice photos to accompany your game sessions.