Three games upcoming on KS at some point!
Termite Towers

We've got plenty of games with an ant theme, so it's but a wonder that termites have been so scarcely featured! From the BGG description, the game seems to make two mechanics intersecting: on the one hand, an "area control" game, where you train and position soldiers to secure locations where you can gather wood, and a "polyomino" game, where the wood you collected is converted into polyomino tiles that you must arrange to be the first to build your tower.
The game is by designer Mike Nudd (Dice Hospital) and is a thematic follow-up to his previous title, Waggle Dance (dedicated to bees), which will received a reprint/new edition (presumably during the same KS campaign) that will make it soloable. Both solo modes are by David Digby to which we own a few solo designs already.
Green Hell: The Board Game

The game is inspired by a video game in which a guy, Jake Higgins, tries to survive the Amazonian jungle. Here, you play as the rescue party to bring him back. The game features exploration on tiles, resource gathering, crafting, and polyominoes. The game is played in a succession of days (rounds), and in the night, perilous stuff may happen, depending on the bad luck you've accumulated during the day. The game is meant to be played as a campaign over different successive scenarios.
Keep the Heroes Out

The latest game from the prolific designer/artist/publisher Luís Brueh, it's a Dungeon defense game - as a Dungeon Keeper, you must see that the heroes don't lay waste to your dungeon. The game features different scenarios/set-ups you can try and is supported by a deck-building mechanism. Each turn, you draw 5 cards that will give you some actions to choose from to strengthen your defenses and get rid of the pesky heroes.
The Kickstarter should launch in late July, once the previous game of Brueh (Night Parade of a Hundred Yokai) will be entirely fulfilled.
Oh man, I'm sick of polyominoes. I like the themes of both Termites and Green Hell, but I don't like puzzles.