Do you remember Type 7?
The designer, Markus Geiger, is back with a new game, Space Kraken, described as a rogue-like dungeon crawler in a Sci-Fi setting, specifically designed for solo gaming.

It relies on a Crypted Game Master system which, I quote "consists in crypted printed sheets". I have no idea how that will work but now I find this certainly intriguing! You can see these sheets on the picture below.

The gameplay will also feature a progression system for both your ship and your crew, tactical combat, 72 different weapons, 30 aliens across 5 major races, and achievements to complete across your different runs that will grant you bonuses for the next adventures (in a rogue-lite fashion). There are six worlds to explore in total and a game session lasts approximately 45 minutes.

The campaign will launch on KS on May 25th!

Actually the weird little pictures are map templates, with letters on the tiny squares (such as B3). When you enter this area, you have too look up in a table what B3 offers.
If I understand correctly the scarce information available, it seems that all the game fits into a book. The whole "gameplay" picture are actually different pages of the book.
I'm very much intrigued and the likelihood of me backing this is pretty high. Especially if it's small and portable.