Indeed we "missed" it because it didn't have a solo mode at launch. The game was announced as a 2-4 players and only just recently unlocked solo mode as a stretch goal.
I actually might be able to generate such a plot for solo games based on the data available on the Kaggle website. Handling this kind of data is a central component of my daily job after all!
I had also a few hypotheses I wanted to check and this will make me able to do just so. Great news!!! Your link truly opens many opportunities for me!
(One of my many weaknesses in programming is that I don't know how to extract data from, say, a website. So, really, having the BGG data translated into a downloadable file is just nuts for me!)
@Zerbique I actually Posted something useful (unlike my Weekend Fun entries)? LOL! Well, I'm very glad you may be able to use it for some cool stuff (and maybe at work). I'm already looking forward to some spiffy charts from you, Z! 😍
Indeed we "missed" it because it didn't have a solo mode at launch. The game was announced as a 2-4 players and only just recently unlocked solo mode as a stretch goal.
Thanks for mentioning it here on the Lounge!