Alien Invasion is an expansion to Vital Lacerda's 1-4 player sci-fi economic game On Mars. The expansion comes with 4 different chapters, three of which can be played solo or co-op.

Chapter 2: Outbreak is a cooperative scenario for 2-4 players in which you have to fight an unknown disease while building your colony.
Chapter 3: Blackout is a cooperative scenario for 2-4 players in which alien vandals cause power failures and damages. You have to make the necessary repairs before everything goes dark.
Chapter 4: Monolith is a solo/group co-op scenario in which you have to complete 4 goals in 15 rounds while aliens interfere with your plans.
The Kickstarter campaign will run for 15 days, and you may pledge either for the expansion only, or for both the expansion and the base game.
Has anyone played On Mars? I know it's different than TM besides being on Mars, but I'm curious your thoughts on the game. It catches my attention but I'm unsure of it so far...
A concern of mine is also the price... $175cdn ???? Whoa.