Thanks for that Link, Z! I just substituted my Username for yours in the URL, and bamm!, there's that "quite thorough" breakdown of my collection. The "Worth" tab was an anticipated one for me - what are these shelves of games worth financially now? It was a lot. 💰 Looking back, I wish I woulda kept an accurate record of all my gaming transactions.
Z, why do you suppose you're a bit less 'mainstream' than the average BGG collector/player? (Is it because you're racist? 😂 Just kidding!) As it relates to me, my general perception (perhaps misguided) is that the majority of consistent BGG contributors lean more in the direction heavy games than lighter ones, so I don't have much 'overlap' either, although more so than you.
I think I have a radical and unwilling tendency to act differently from other people in most things. For board games it's interesting, I think I have a "buy whatever you fancy getting" overly consumerist policy, and that's it: no wish to curate a one-of-a-kind collection, no particular thrive for the rare and the exotic. So the end result is just a really spontaneous result of my own underlying and fundamental inclinations to stray off.
I've always said that if Fascists get back in power (and these days, they tend to do), they'll typically shoot me first. Because fascists don't like stray offs.
PS : When I mean "fascists" it's not an insult or any attempt at name-saying, but a reference to a political movement that favors "bundling", that is, loyalty to the group and rewards based on that loyalty or the first tenet of the political organization they push forward. Basically it's a whole system based on adhesion/submission/oppression: you adhere to the ideas and symbols, you submit to the hierarchy and the people in charge, you oppress those who don't. Skill and competence are typically no virtues in such a system.
Ah, a dissenter, huh? The Firing Squad at dawn for you! Even though you're probably destined for an execution, I do like the fact you don't give too much of a crap what others are buying or playing, and you just get what rings your bell. You're a free thinker!
Yes, looks interesting. Perhaps I'll order it to write a post. Unless Zerbique is going to, as he buys everything FryxGames.