1-2 Players. 130 cards in base game. More info here. Expansion (30 cards) here. I wrote the designer asking if the Expansion was just to accommodate more players, or if it also added something to Solo play. I'll report back if I hear anything.
Image Source: thegamecrafter.com
Image Source: thegamecrafter.com
Image Source: thegamecrafter.com
The Designer, Alex, replied to my query about the Expansion. His (he/him/her/she/they/them/it, blah, blah, etc.) Email Domain was TW, so I guess they're outta Taiwan. I never pictured Taiwan dealing with Game Crafter, but American Game Designers deal with China all the time, so I shouldn't be surprised, I guess, even though I get the "less expensive to make in China" thing. The response was well under 24hrs, so a point was scored there. 🙂 Anyway, here's the reply:
"Hi Mike,
First of all, thank you for having interest in this game. It’s really great to know the game is getting attentions.
Players expansion also contains a sub-plot that you can add into the main story in journey: the beginning.
The sub-plot will be triggered by a mission, but it doesn’t affect the main story. You can consider it a prequal to the main story for another expansion that I’m working on, journey: the end of a tragedy.
Best regards,