Cole Wehrle has announced the release of a new edition for his 2017 economic negotiation game, John Company. Players take on the role of members of powerful families trying to gain fame and fortune by managing the British East India Company.

This upcoming edition will play differently than its predecessor, and it is not a straight reprint. The solo mode will be designed by Ricky Royal and it is currently in its early stages of development. The campaign will launch on Kickstarter on March 30.
And guess what? After watching "Ricky Royal's" solo playthrough I was totally put off and didn't back it. It just looks tacked on as an afterthought, barely thought through and unconvincing so I decided to save my money, yay me, wait until the game is published with finished rules, watch a few more solo playthroughs and see if they can change my mind! Did anyone else watch it?
Ricky Royal designed Renegade, didn't he? Does he mostly 'design' Solo versions for other games (ones he didn't design), though?
Candice Harris of BGG News published an extensive article on John Company this evening.