Image Source: Kickstarter
Player Count: ? I sent 'em a message, but haven't heard back, yet. It's a game that, in part, teaches sign language (allegedly). It's an RPG that's aimed at teenagers, and it seems to be just a book. But the interesting thing (I must be bored, 'cause it wasn't really that interesting) to me was a response I got from Alexa. I asked her (she/hers/herself/he/his/him/himself/they/them/theirs/themself/it) what ASL stood for (as it was mentioned in regards to the game). I was pretty sure it was American Sign Language. BSL was also mentioned and I assumed it was for British Sign Language (well, the game is from Bristol, UK 🙂).
Anyway, when I asked Alexa what it stood for, one of her 4 answers was Advanced Squad Leader!
Her (she/hers/herself/he/his/him/himself/they/them/theirs/themself/it) 4 responses were (in this order):
1) Above Sea Level
2) Advanced Squad Leader
3) Age, Sex, Location
4) American Sign Language
😄 I didn't expect Advanced Squad Leader to be one of the answers.