The Master Robot is evil, and under its iron rule, robots are suffering! So, keep along for a while and send your robots to work, gather resources, gain influence, and become the new Master Robot in Robotopia. Now it's up to you to set up the working atmosphere at the factory.

Riot is not the only fire raging on - real fires are a-blazing as well, and you are left to quench it with heaps of fresh snow in Snowhere. An environmental-friendly game apparently, or so does its box claim.
Speaking of the Climate Crisis, you can live the fantasy of exerting actual influence on the political leaders in Global Warning: Point of No Return. Better win that one... Of course, the game has the "Science Fiction" tag on its BGG page.

Which leads to a more optimistic kind of Sci-Fi in which humankind has survived itself and now rules over a prosperous solar system - a bigger playground to extract even more resources and build an even more efficient economy. Jump in the new legacy Sci-Fi euro game with Solar 175, a game about a brighter future. Expect deck-building and worker placement.

Maybe I've played too much the first two games in the Trilogy of Lost Hope, the third having now been added to the database: Pesta: Omens of Emptiness, with art by Hyeronimus Bosch, the most renowned board game artist after Beth Sobel and Vincent Dutrait.
Since I'm in the "disaster" vein, let's add By 2s, a grim and tough game about the sudden rise of the sea level, and the destruction that ensues. Clearly this could make JW sick.

Speaking of him, here is a new abstract dice game for him to houserule: Splitter. Honestly I cannot distinguish those from each other. Sorry.

Now that we are in the "clever" category, allow me to introduce Tensor: A Game of Equilibrium. This is not a game for engineers in to have fun in-between their courses of Solid Mechanics, but a game of hacking each other's brains. I don't quite get it, but there are pretty hexes.

Maybe the loser will be featured in the sequel to Lobotomy, Lobotomy 2? Although that's not a game I feel much inclined to be interested in. According to the pitch, you must escape an asylum; with the Batman "Escape from Arkham Asylum" launching soon, that's apparently quite trendy.

I prefer this other kind of escapism, with little pixellated characters in a Fantasy universe. Solluna seems to be leaning towards the take-that party game though, so I'm not sure I'm interested either!
Let's keep on with the Fantasy and mention Oz. Apparently the book needed yet another board game implementation. As long as it's fun, I have no issue with that.

Or you may want to rise from poverty to novelty in Kingscraft. Maybe then you'll be able to afford a table long enough to host the game.

If you want to fulfill your thirst for ultimate power in a more accurate historical setting, there is Sammu-ramat, upcoming on Gamefound, in which you play as an Assyrian Queen through a series of scenarios.

Still in the history vein, Purple Haze is a wargame set in the Vietnam War, with a stronger narrative focus than in your regular war game.

OK, two last games before we move to the miscellanea. Mürkantun is apparently the first board game in the Mapuche language. Hopefully the components seem language-independent. And Dinosaur Exhibit is a game about dinosaurs in a museum, featuring dice rolling, tile-laying, and set collection. The winner gets a Spinosaurus skeleton.

Two solo expansions of well-known games: the Automa for Terra Mystica, and new solo contents for Lost Ruins of Arnak (in PnP). No one can say that Czech Games don't cater for the solo crowd. And an expansion for Zadorf's The Great Escape.

The Lord of the Rings Living Card Game is receiving a new core box.
And I'll end with the random PnP pick of today: Robot Rising!

Terra Mystica Automa - Dutch Version
Image Source: BGG
The designer of Tensor is looking for playtesters, if you are interested.
You got me interested in the Trilogy of Lost Hope. Will look into it as soon as I can. Really like the dark mood.
Robotopia will launch on KS on November 16.
Whoa, that's a lot to digest! Solar 175 is from the same people that did Philosophia: Floating World? That's a pretty one.
I downloaded Robot Rising. Maybe I'll even print it! 🙂
Whoa! I guess Terra Mystica needs to go back on my wishlist. I felt I should just stick to digital with that one due to no official solo mode... But an automa box!?? Hello!!!