It really never ends!
(I'll add pictures eventually as they pop up on BGG.)

Let's start with a little PnP, Blorg in the Wild West, the sequel of a game JW seemed to have enjoyed at the time.
Second, a game you can play with two regular decks of cards, Dungeon Solitaire: Death to the Goblin King (because, as one can guess, he really deserves it), from prolific designer Joseph Propati that you might recognize from Dungeon Flee.

Next, Noah Planet, a re-implementation of Ktizo, a game I was interested in but couldn't find anywhere, now with solo rules! The game seems to have been picked up by a more experienced publisher, Board Game Rookie (better known for their localizations of US games to the Chinese market).

We also have big titles such as an expansion for the latest Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth FFG app-driven game, Spreading War.

In the Kickstarter category, let's mention Pocket Landship: No Man's Land, sequel and expansion to Pocket Landship, the game you can actually play as JW. The info is not new, but now it's on BGG so, we're getting closer!
Last, we'll deal with two Game Crafters. First, a game that has been out there for a few years on the Game Crafter, but only now got a BGG entry so I'll mention it anyway: Colossus Fall.

(Pictures from the Game Crafter website.)
And second, a game that should get released to the Game Crafter eventually but isn't quite there yet, Dark Overlord Reigns, a semi-abstract wargame in which you control three heroic leaders in their dire fight against the rising Overlord.

So when you shuffle expansion cards with base game cards, you will feel the difference in the cardstock? I'm not sure it's a problem but it may be.