This expression of disgust on Rob Oren's face sums up his reaction after watching the gameplay video for FFG's upcoming Descent: Legends of the Dark.
Considering that Rob is usually enthusiastic about big dungeon crawlers, I was curious to see what was so wrong with the new Descent besides the mediocre character artwork. And indeed, it appears that he is right. The video is almost unwatchable. The game relies so heavily on the app, that it looks more like a bad video game. All the players do is roll the dice, which might as well be handled by the app since it handles pretty much everything.
They also get to place cardboard 3D terrain which hopefully can be stored assembled inside the box. So. For 150 dollars you get a snoozefest of a game, an app which turns you into its assistant instead of you using it for assistance, and a bunch of fancy floors and furniture that you need hours to put together. But I'll let you watch and draw your own conclusions:
I watched parts of the playthrough video and it's a bit ridiculous indeed. Putting together a staircase, a small table, a bookshelf, is really not what I expect to do in a dungeon crawler game. Clearly since the app is handling everything, from the narration to the fight to the exploration, they had no idea how to make you interact physically with the game so they came up with that.