I suspect you have a boat-load of games, Z. Around a thousand? If so, awesome!
I am hereby respectfully requesting a picture/pictures of your "games". 🙂 No problem if you'd prefer to maintain your privacy, of course. I wouldn't divulge it, if I were you. 😄
@Cadet Stimpy Yeah, around a thousand perhaps, which is a pity considering I cannot play very often. And you'd be disappointed with the pictures of my collection... But I can try to give you some. I'll see to that in the next few days.
I don't think it's awesome at all (just a testimony of my severe lack of restraint regarding purchasing in general), although I do appreciate a lot that I have a large margin of freedom regarding what to play!
How did you like Century: Golem Edition Mike? I've been curious about the Century line of games
Finally, two games I don't have (Meduris is in my collection, I like games with a "druid" theme and it was heavily on sale last January!)