I want to thank everyone that contributed to solitairetimes.net for all the wonderful discussions and posts in 2022. I'm not going to name everyone as I'll end up missing a few names and I don't want that. I do want to thank Athena and JW for maintaining this web site.
As an introvert, and a person for which writing and replying to posts is an involved mental exercise, I find this smaller part of the internet a comfortable place. And this is primarily because of all the wonderful personalities that contribute. So thank you 🙏
I wish you all a healthy 2023 and hope you have wonderful/exciting/thinky/funny solo plays.
Very well said Wouter! I couldn't agree more. Every single one of us plays a role in making ST such a welcoming, fun place to connect. Cheers!
PS - Nice choice of game for the pic as well 🙂