Despite lots going on and much more on the way, I've proud to say I've still been able to get games to the table. In reality, I do my best to ENSURE it during these busy times as it's my 'zen', my relaxation, my fun mental exercise...
Let's see, what have I gotten to the table recently...
Rolling Realms
I gotta say, I was curious about this game but I never expected to get 'hooked' in the way I have. Not 'obsessed' hooked, but hooked. I greatly respect and admire this game. Especially the idea around when and why it was created by Jamey Steigmaier in the first place.
Last weekend we headed to the cottage and I knew this was the kind of game my wife and kids would enjoy; simple, puzzley and not long to play. I only ended up introducing it to my youngest (15yrs old going on '25' 🙄), but I was really excited about what happened; Not the fact that she beat me (surprise surprise) but the fact that after we finished she dove into the solo mini-golf included in the game. It's challenging and I wouldn't call it quick, but equally as enjoyable. At various times over the next couple days, I'd be outside on the deck and hear her rolling the dice working on the next hole. Proud Dad. 😀
Expeditions hit the table last week of course. I've already moved onto the 'normal' difficulty with the Automa however (Level 2) as the first one is a bit easy I find. Granted I only played the level 1 Automa twice, I won both times and it didn't seem to give me enough push for my liking. Level 2 is great. Not so difficult I'm wondering if I'll ever beat it, but challenging enough that it ends in a tight game. 🙂
The same night after playing Expeditions, I had the itch to play Scythe. Duh! My first time playing with my newly organized Legendary Box. It does help streamline setup etc I gotta say. Although I hoping my son-in-law can get the 3D printed organizers made for me, as unfortunately although beautifully artistic as the tuck boxes are, I don't see them last too long if you bring the game to the table often. Nonetheless, I am happy with having the Legendary Box and everything in one place finally.

I played a tight game using the modular board against just one Automa opponent to keep things quick and simple for the evening. Unfortunately, Polania cornered me at one point and I was trapped for quite a while (my own mistake caused that).

This was also my first time playing with my newly purchased player tokens complete with faction logos. I'm really happy with them as they're much more robust than expected. Here's a shot (below) if mine on my player mat as I played with the Nordic faction...

Apparently losing track of what day it is and when I played things, I just realized that 3-days prior to my dive into the alternate 1920's Europa world, I had the urge to make some booze. 😉 Sadly, it was not a night I could partake in a nice whiskey myself as I distilled my spirits. I didn't fair too well, but it was only my fourth game so I forgive myself. I did however enjoy it very much as usual.
Ark Nova
Finally, yesterday afternoon I attempted to build a zoo which I haven't done for a while. I still have yet to explore the ARNO fan-made solo variant, but honestly I'm not sure I will just yet. Regular ST readers know, I'm a HUGE fan of Automa type solo games. I love the feel of an opponent. But with Ark Nova something is different. I find it relaxing. I find it thematically still very much to my liking building my own zoo. I compare it to our big zoos here in Canada for example. I wouldn't really think Toronto Zoo and Calgary zoo are in "competition" because our country is so big, and travel is so expensive here (that's a whole other rant entirely) that although they work together, it's not competition. In Ark Nova, I'm building a zoo for people to come visit and enjoy to the best of my ability. So I find it quite relaxing and enjoyable as it is I must say.
*Even though I REALLY needed another primate card to pop up to make my plans work out. Since it didn't, I didn't fare too well, but enjoyed my play none the less. 😉
I'm hopeful to continue ensuring my 'zen' gaming time stays intact as my weeks get busier between Aug-Oct. Fingers crossed.
Can you tell me more about Rolling Realms? I'm pretty sure it's not a game for you but I enjoy many roll and write games and I would be pleased to know more about this one. How does it play (very roughly)? What is the main feature of interest?
I am pleased to see that you still enjoy Scythe a lot. I suspect Expeditions won't outshadow it - it will only offer you a way to deepen the Scythe experience in a different way, am I correct?
By the way, I am so pleased to see that you are an "AI fan", because here in ST I think between Athena, JW, and I, we are not very fond of AIs, and I love to hear a different voice about that. You might hear some nasty bits about AIs in solo games in the following weeks from me, but please, don't feel any less welcome in sharing your enthusiasm about them, on the very contrary!