Today is the most important day of the year. The Beatles were extremely important to me for a few years when growing up. I knew everything there was to know about them. Now I will be able to see them in the studio. It's an emotional moment, I'm not kidding.

F**k! I was 12-years-old when I watched the Beatles debut on the Ed Sullivan Show in February of 1964. Armies of screaming young girls! What was their first song - "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", I think. I loved it!
The crazy thing was everyone thought their hair was so long, but their ears were showing. 😄
JW, since you're sorta a Beatles expert, did you think 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' was about LSD? I did, but I think they denied that... Lennon (I think) said his [young] daughter did some drawing in school, and that's what she named the picture.