Kickstarter deprivation
Athena, tearful: JW... December is almost devoid of Kickstarter campaigns!!! I knew this was coming but it still pains me... JW: We have...
Kickstarter deprivation
CMON don't know what they just sold
VOPPed (by Maricel)
Pangea: the first shall be the last
A fool and her money
The vast emptiness of space
Narrative drivel
A Couple of Grumpies: Relaunch
Kickstarter Updates... (by govmiller)
Is this Game Broken? (by Christian van Someren)
Gamers and Their High Horses: Beginners and Complexity (by Arvid)
When Six Months Is Really a Year and a Half (by Kevinruns262)
Plastic waste (by Razoupaf)
Becoming a Grognarde?
A Couple of Grumpies
Unreal time
Dry-Humping the Cash Cow
Why doesn't Jamey design cooperative games?
Aeon's End Tamed