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Nov 27, 2019
Kickstarter deprivation
Athena, tearful: JW... December is almost devoid of Kickstarter campaigns!!! I knew this was coming but it still pains me... JW: We have...
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Nov 22, 2019
CMON don't know what they just sold
Two months ago, the CMON Time Machine Kickstarter funded successfully. Part of it was the Time Vault. Backers could get access to...
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Grumpy Guest
Nov 11, 2019
VOPPed (by Maricel)
We are thrilled to present you our first female grumpy guest from the One Player Guild: Maricel (mtsedwards) Apex Theropod is headed for...
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Nov 6, 2019
Pangea: the first shall be the last
In Pangea you try to save a group of animals from the Great Dying (the End-Permian extinction, some 250 million years ago). It takes...
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Oct 30, 2019
Where we find ourselves in the virtual editorial office, discussing the November Kickstarters and kissing our money goodbye. JW:...
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Oct 24, 2019
A fool and her money
There is a demon that often captures (solo) gamers' souls: he lures them into purchasing a game, and when they give in and acquire it,...
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Oct 18, 2019
The vast emptiness of space
That feeling when you open a new game box. It is hard to describe. It is mind-blowing. Awe-inspiring. We are so small and insignificant....
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Oct 10, 2019
Narrative drivel
- I want to play a fantasy game, but I have no imagination at all. - No problem, we couldn't let a story emerge from gameplay and...
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Sep 27, 2019
A Couple of Grumpies: Relaunch
Discussing the Kickstarter releases of October with JW. Me: I remember you saying you didn't like 1066, Tears to Many Mothers as a solo...
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Grumpy Guest
Sep 25, 2019
Kickstarter Updates... (by govmiller)
Today we have the pleasure of hosting our fellow guild member, Eric Miller (govmiller). What is it with these creators? I mean, c'mon...
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Grumpy Guest
Sep 20, 2019
Is this Game Broken? (by Christian van Someren)
Our grumpy guest of honour from the One Player Guild today is Christian. While perusing BGG the other day, I came across a familiar...
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Grumpy Guest
Sep 17, 2019
Gamers and Their High Horses: Beginners and Complexity (by Arvid)
Continuing our series of grumpy guest posts, today we welcome Arvid. He can also be found on his solo games reviews website: One Player...
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Grumpy Guest
Sep 13, 2019
When Six Months Is Really a Year and a Half (by Kevinruns262)
We have the pleasure of hosting Kevin as our second grumpy guest. He can also be found on his BGG blogs, 'Bunker Buzz', and 'Kevin's...
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Grumpy Guest
Sep 10, 2019
Plastic waste (by Razoupaf)
The solo community has a healthy proportion of grumpy gamers, and we are happy to let them voice their concerns on our site. Razoupaf is...
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Sep 7, 2019
Becoming a Grognarde?
Well, I'm not playing old wargames. But I am lately noticing in myself a tendency to appreciate older games, seek to acquire out of print...
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Aug 30, 2019
A Couple of Grumpies
I contacted JW the other day, to discuss which game we will choose for September's Solitaire Select. We ended up going through the list...
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Aug 25, 2019
Unreal time
Solo real time games... I can accept they have their fans. But surely they can't be too many? I mean, who returns home after a stressful...
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Aug 22, 2019
Dry-Humping the Cash Cow
Let's talk DVG. You know them. The ones of Field Commander Rommel, Field Commander Napoleon, Field Commander Alexander, Fleet Commander...
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Aug 15, 2019
Why doesn't Jamey design cooperative games?
I have never played a Stonemaier game. Why? Because I don't like bots, dummies and automata. I always prefer to play against the game...
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Aug 14, 2019
Aeon's End Tamed
While punching Aeon's End: New Age I found a mysterious player token. Wild. Wild? I like playing Aeon's End three handed. For the turn...
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